Websites built for you

We build lean, high-performing and planet friendly websites for all manner of situations.

Experienced website specialist.

With 18 years of experience designing, building, and developing websites both privately and for large companies, we have a wide experience of working on all manner of projects.

We have worked on small hobbyist websites through to ecommerce stores and large scale bespoke platforms to manage a businesses daily operations.

We build lean, high-performance websites that are not only great to visit but also produce low carbon emissions and are kind to the planet.

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Koboh uses the platform best suited to yor websites requirements.

We tailor the website to you.

There are hundreds and thousands of platforms, builders, and frameworks that can be used to build a website. All of which have pros and cons and will or will not suit your requirements.

When we start a project we take time to understand your requirements and ensure that the route we take with your website is the right one.

Whether the core of the website is built using a Static site framework, WordPress, Drupal, or a more advanced Bespoke framework like Laravel and LiveWire, you're website will be specific to you and your requirements.

Discuss your project with us

Start the conversation today and see how we might be able to help you with an existing or new web project.